Thursday, October 2, 2008


Happy October. The fall weather has hit us here in Virginia. Thank goodness!

Nate is smiling up a storm. He is six weeks today and I have never seen a baby so little giggling so much.

By the way, Nate is almost outgrowing his 3 month clothes. Looks like he is taking after his daddy too!

On Saturday, Nick and Nate went to our friend Jackson's first birthday party. It was a football theme so we of course dressed the part... Here are the boys. Nate's outfit is a touch big on him, but it is too cute-- Thanks Aunt Cathy!!

Giants vs. Seahawks happens every year and this year, it happens Sunday, one day after our 6th anniversary. Say a prayer for us! It isn't going to be easy in our house, no less on our anniversary weekend!

Finally, our good friend, Fr. Cuddy, visited us tonight. I had to go up to Nick's school, but Fr. Cuddy stayed and helped Matt out with bedtime. What a good sport! We are so lucky to have him in our lives!

Hope to see you all soon- until then, enjoy the fall weather!

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