Well, Nicholas didn't take a nap yesterday without his pacifier, but I was really expecting to be up a couple of times during the night reminding him that he doesn't need his paci anymore. When we got ready for bed last night, we had to remind him that we gave the pacis to Baby Will... but he wasn't upset about it at all and fell right asleep without any protest. In fact, Nicholas slept from 8 PM last night until 8 AM this morning without a peep. He didn't even mention his paci this morning until we told him we were so proud of him for being such a big boy for not needing it. So, I think our transition went smoother than we hoped. If there are any people out there still trying to get rid of the paci, don't worry! Just make a Sassy Bear and your kid will be just fine!
Yeah, Nick!! Baby Shay is very proud of you for being a big boy, and sharing your paci's! He can't wait to meet Sassy!!
Yay, Nick! I still use a paci, but soon I'll give them all to my baby sister, Layna. In fact, I'm going to make a bear for her, just like Sassy!
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