This morning, Nicholas gave his two pacifiers to Baby Will. It went really well. He kissed them goodbye before we dropped them in boiling water to sanitize them. Then, off we went to our friends' house where we handed them right over to Baby Will. After all, at this point, he was more excited to play with his friend Anna than be with a baby.
We then proceeded to Build-A-Bear, which isn't at the closest mall to us- we had to drive 45 minutes to get there. He did a great job picking out a suitable bear to take to bed. Here is how the experience went:

However, his new favorite word (and don't ask me where he got it-- it has to be one of his TV shows) is sassy. So when asked what to name his new bear, who is wearing a football outfit at this point, he insists upon Sassy. Mathew complied beautifully with a frown on his face.

After we got home, we proceeded as usual to get him ready for his nap, and he asked for his pacis. When we reminded him that he is a big boy now, he gave his pacis to the baby, and he has Sassy to take to bed, he proceeded to ask if we could get the pacis back. We told him that we couldn't and the look on his face was one of terror. So, it is now 3:07 PM and we are still waiting for Nicholas to go to sleep for his nap. It is going to be a long weekend but it had to be done. At least he isn't crying, right? So someone out there- create a Paci Patch. It would be oh so much easier!
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