Saturday began Nicholas's birthday festivities after his Friday birthday lunch the day before. We celebrated with our neighbors with a block BBQ. Everyone had a great time.

Nick's cake (chocolate frosting with vanilla cake and chocolate mousse filling!)

Getting ready to sing.
The birthday table set for the birthday morning!

Balloons fill the birthday boy's room in the morning!

Nick rushed right to the kitchen to see what surprises awaited him.

Guess Who? game from Gaga and Papa.

The Allowance Game (no, I do not recommend) and Mario Kart bathing suit for Great Wolf
from Mommy and Daddy and Nate.

Captain Underpants Collection of books from Gaga and Aunt Annie, Uncle Rob, and Sophia!

Wanted to get right down and read Book Three :)
He had been waiting!

We told Nicholas to head down to the basement for more surprises.
A new bike (much needed!) from Mommy and Daddy!

Nate had to try it out!

And at 6:45 AM, Nicholas ran out the door to try his new electric scooter from Gaga, Aunt Annie, Uncle Rob, Gaga, and Papa.

Mommy got the #6 breakfast pancake ready while he was riding.

Nick's ready to eat.
Instead of a big party, we went away as a family to the Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos. We had a wonderful time. Nicholas has a new set of permanent tubes in his ears so he has to wear earplugs and a headband. I think he looks awfully cute. Here are some pics from the fun we had.

Ready to swim Mom!

I think Nate thought it was his birthday too!
How cute is this picture?

Nate shooting hoops.

Boys having so much fun!

Nate having the time of his life.

Drying off- cutest boys at the Lodge!

The boys in their kid kamp bunk beds.

A Pizza Hut birthday dinner.
Nick loves pizza.

We didn't forget leftover cake from home and candles!

Mommy can't believe her baby is 6!

Off to the nighttime show and storytime.

In their pj's so cute!

Playing the DS waiting for the show to start.
I took lots of pictures- they were so cute.

I love Nate's hand on Nick's leg!

Another serious shot!

Giving Wiley the Wolf a hug goodnight.

Say cheese guys!

Nate has the biggest cheesy grin these days.
In front of the fire warming up :)

Heading home the following day- boys exhausted!

Even the big boy took a nap!
After we got home, Nick went right back outside to enjoy his new bike and scooter.

Big boy!

Serious rider.

Both boys on their bikes.
Nicholas celebrated his birthday last Tuesday at school. He was so proud to have Nate in the classroom with him- he got him a chair right away and made sure he was right next to him when everyone sang. He chose to have Yoshi cupcakes (a character from Super Mario Brothers) and thank goodness our dear friend Michelle made them for us.

Yoshi cupcakes!
Miss Michelle is the best!

Nick enjoying his snack!

Only cupcake left!

Nick loved by all with cards and gifts and special thoughts.
You came into our lives almost 6 weeks early at almost 6 pounds.
Now you are 6 and we can't believe you were ever a baby 6 years ago.
We love you Nicholas.
So so much.
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