I am behind on posting so I will start to catch up with this weekend's fun events. We went to Ocean City on Saturday for a fall day and the last time to ride the rides before winter closing. The boys had a wonderful time and the weather was beautiful.

Fire Safety Month even in Ocean City :)

Nick on his pony Homey.

Nate on his pony Cinnamon.

How cute is this little guy playing golf?

Nick is very serious about his craft.

Nate seriously poses with anyone dressed up in costume.

The bumper cars were the biggest hit- Nick even let Nate steer.

Nate making sure he is tall enough.

Nate behind bars :)

The boys having a blast.

Nate and his nanny on the carousel.

The fun filled rides

Nate upset because it is time to leave the rides :)

The Jersey boys on the shore.

Post ice cream with Daddy.

The boys asleep on the way home.

Even our biggest guy was pooped :)
On Sunday, Matt had a chance to shake hands with Mr. President. Unfortunately, due to the crowd, he wasn't able to get a good picture of the actual handshake, but here are a couple of good shots. Stay tuned for some funniest Fine home videos of Nate tomorrow!
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