Nate's birthday began with balloons in his room.

Opening his gifts with Nick.

A new Little People Airport. A big hit!

Starting off the day with a birthday Mickey waffle. And why not a candle too?

Ready, set, blow!

Ready for a party!

I AM 2!

Nate's friends eating (minus his buddy Joe, he was busy playing!!)

A cake- say cheers!

Mickey cookies courtesy of Miss Michelle. Yum!

It amazes me that Nate knows how to blow out candles so well already!

After our friends left, we opened our presents. They gave him some trains, but little did Nate know, he would get to use them on a much bigger track the next morning!

Daddy worked hard getting it ready (Mommy decorated with balloons!!)

Boys having a blast playing!

Opening more trains from Gaga and Aunt Annie and Uncle Rob.

Look at Nick standing by but only if Nate needed a helping hand.
This takes major restraint!

Playing nicely together
(don't let this fool you, I did not capture the fighting over trains!!)

Saying "cheese" with James.

Hmm, am I three yet?
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