Here are Nathaniel's first few days in pictures. We hope you enjoy.

Mommy and baby for the first time.

Daddy and baby.

Such a good baby.

Nicholas meets Nate.

The two finest brothers.

Aunt Annie and Nate (she is so beautiful he can't stop staring!)

GaGa holding Nate. So special.

Mommy and Nate ready to go home.

Nicholas making his poster for Nate's welcome home!

Nick's first writing of our family.

How cool!

Nicholas holding Nate at home.

The family.

Daddy and Nate.

Nathaniel's first birthday party.

Nathaniel birthday cake. He is "zero" to Nick.

Snug as a bug in a rug.

The baby was kissing Nick's nose.

Now nose to nose.

Our new bundle of joy!
I love you Nate and Nick (and of course Elizabeth and Matt)!!
Love, Auntie Kim
I love you Nate and Nick (and Elizabeth and Matt too)!!
Love, Auntie Kim
He looks beautiful!! Congratulations, again!
(btw, the picture of "the Finest brothers" is gorgeous!)
Love to you all!
My Dear Finest Family! You have the most beautiful family. We can't wait to meet little Nate. Nicholas you are such a good big brother already, love the birthday cake for Nate and you two are just adorable. Aunt Annie and GaGa Congrats to you both! Love you all tons!
What a BEAUTIFUL baby!! We are so happy for you guys and we send you lots of love!! Enjoy your first moments with that bundle of joy and get lots of rest! We will wait to call and check in, but let us know if you need anything in the meantime. (By the way, that last pic of Nate looks like Matt!)
What a FINE looking family! All the best to all of you.
What a wonderful post! I'm so happy for your family and wish you all the best. Love you guys!
He's so handsome! I'll give you a call in a week or two to let you settle in before I bug you. Lots of prayers and best wishes!
What a beautiful baby and beautiful family!!! I agree with Chris and the picture "the finest brothers!"
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