Easter Weekend started off just "fine" for the Fine Household. We went to the park and enjoyed the nice weather before the cold settled in. Mommy even got a chai tea and sat on the park bench and watched her boys play. On the way home, Daddy wanted to stop at Lowe's for a few things. While Daddy went to check out, Mommy and Nick went to the "tractors" to ride on them (they are really just the big ride-on lawn mowers but Nicholas loves to pretend they are tractors). As he was getting up to ride on one, he accidently put his finger in the fan grate on the front, and before I could tell him to wait for Mommy to help him, he pulled his finger out. Blood everywhere, torn finger, get to the restroom, page Daddy for help, go to ER. Nicholas got his first dose of Tylenol with Codeine (lucky fella!-- Mommy could have used something at this point too), and then it was time for stitches. He had been very good up until this point telling us the numbers on the clock and reading all the letters and words around his room. He even told the doctor and nurse that "Chicks dig scars" (this is something Daddy taught him to say after he would get a scrape outside). Daddy then helped to hold him down while the doctor numbed the area (this hurt him like hell), while Mommy sang ridiculous songs to get us through. He has three stitches and a splint to hold his finger straight. That was our Easter Saturday. He did really well and we were very proud of him! Mommy remembered we had Easter eggs to color so we did get to that after dinner. Here are our pictures! More to follow....

Here is my splint!

Cool splint, Nicholas!! I'm proud of you for being SO brave!! Hope your finger feels better! Happy Easter! Love, Baby Shay
Nicholas looks like quite a trooper! Luckily, little boys are very resilient! I hope he (and Mommy) recover very soon!!!
I'm so sorry about your finger, Nicholas... but I just had to laugh! I can see Elizabeth in the ER (holy mess!) singing all those songs and trying to calm herself as much as Nicholas. Too funny! Happy Easter!
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