Sophia arrives ready for Jersey in her velour sweatsuit!

Let's party!!

The next morning, the boys entertained her greatly.

Cutest baby ever.

Sophia and Nate

Uncle Matt and Sophia at the zoo.

We celebrated Gaga's birthday while she was here.
She is one lucky grandma!

Our favorite little ones.

Playing with Nick.

Kissing Nick. How sweet is this?

We even colored eggs together. Sophia mostly watched :)

So much fun!

Evaluating their finished work!

Visiting the Easter Bunny at the local farm.

How cute is Soph in her white jacket?


Cousins at the farm.

Uncle Rob helping Nate.
(Notice the Heat jersey he brought for the boys.)

Mama and her cute little bunny.

Sophia kept her eye on me all weekend.
Long story.

Watching Mickey together

Nate got a Whirly Bird from Special Agent Oso.
He was thrilled.

Sophia was not so thrilled with this Coast Guard onesie.
Ha ha.
We love our niece. SO SO MUCH!