As you can see from my posts, we certainly have been busy. February was a crazy month and we were plagued with terrible illnesses. Most of our special days at school wound up being spent at home but we had fun anyway.... here is our month in pictures.

The one night we did go out was a family bowling night.
We had a blast.

Nick bowling "for real" without the ramp.

The boys bowling together!

Too cute!

As I posted last year, most of Valentine's Day revolves around food.
Here are my heart shaped meatballs ready to go in the gravy.

Nate with some V-day cookies.

V-day breakfast... it needed to be special because
Nick had strep throat and was home from school.

Dressed in our shirts even though we were at home!

Fingerpainting a heart tree

Freestyle art :)

A trail of kisses to a Valentine's Day surprise.

We picked up Nick's valentine's from school the following day.
He had so much fun looking through them.

We also missed the 100th day of school.
We sent in 100 candy hearts.
WE ARE SO GLAD MARCH IS HERE! Here's to it being healthy and happy!