The only way to share this special event with you is in pictures. Annie was so beautiful, and Rob was totally in love. So many of their friends and family were there to share this day with them. It was perfect in every way. We are so happy for Mr. and Mrs. Rob and Annie Ochoa!
The kids did an amazing job with our traveling and late nights, but we ask that you pray for little Nate who has the flu, croup, and an ear infection since we got home Tuesday. We will post more pics as we get them. Love you all!

Daddy helping Nick try on his suit at the tux store.

Am I handsome or what?
Along with Annie and Rob being in love, Nicholas found a little love of his own. The flower girl, Rob's niece Isabella, instantly became Nick's best buddy. She and he were quite the pair the whole weekend. They had fun at the rehearsal dinner!

Let's party-- the rehearsal is over!

This girl is so funny!

Cheese from Nicholas.

Cheese from Isabella.

The baby was strapped to Matt for pretty much the entire weekend.
The scary part is how much he looks like Matt's baby pictures!

Nick and GaGa. What a pair indeed!

The Maresca girls!

The oldest of friends.
On the day of the wedding, I was off with Annie and the girls getting ready. Matt had the daunting task of getting himself and the two boys ready for the wedding. I was so surprised to see he captured them in pictures before the event. My husband is the best!

Ok ladies, I am almost ready to party!

The strapping ring bearer!

The two finest boys!

Does this not look like the front of a wedding card?
You know, the ones with the cute little kids in love on the front?

I am going to do such a good job Daddy!
My camera was not cooperating in the church, so there are limited pictures from the actual wedding. When I receive some good ones, I will post those. For now, here is what I have.

Here they come, hand in hand.

How precious are these two?
They walked so slow and so perfect.

The unity candle

The Fine Family

The new family!

Nate with his cheeks and bowtie!

The girls.

Part of the bridal party.

Annie and Nick dancing.

Nick obviously having the time of his life.

I will post a video tomorrow, but Nate slept on Matt during the live band playing latino music.

The Maresca Girls Part 2.

The cake cutting.

Nate and his mommy!

Nate and his daddy!

Nick dancing with Gaga.

Finally, pajama time! Yahoo! Out of my tux!

Shirt out of pants but I still want to dance!

Shoes off, lying down, we are done!