My husband knew he was going to look tired in the pictures we took on Father's Day morning. After all, we had spent the previous day cleaning out and fixing up the guest bedroom to make it into Nicholas's room; after the cleaning, he spent naptime painting the bedroom. After naptime, he took Nicholas to the pool. If he didn't look tired in these pictures, I would be worried. But I am posting these "tired" pictures, because it was Father's Day. We celebrated early because Nicholas couldn't wait to help Daddy open his presents. Matt didn't seem to mind too much.
So, here's to my husband- for always looking and being so very tired because you love us so damn much. May God bless you always and may you know how much we love you for being such a good daddy.

I made this card for you Daddy.

Here's my story about us!

No Father's Day is complete without the "#1 Daddy" certificate.

Nicholas's artwork created especially for Daddy.

Nicholas and Daddy with his new personalized Seahawks jersey.